Monday, 31 October 2011
Music Labels ditching CD's
Thursday, 27 October 2011
iTunes U
In my opinion, I believe that this is an interesting idea that iTunes has established. My first instinct would be that the company would branch into the education sector, and would stick to their primary focus which is media and technology. However iTunes has proven to be an application that has connected countless amounts of different people and networks together. A large part of education is brining different people and networks together so when you think of it this way the two go hand in hand quite nicely.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Court Shuts Down LimeWire
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Steve Jobs impact on the music industry
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Therapeutic Benefits
There are many therapeutic benefits to music, that we may not have truly realized. As claimed by the American Music Therapy Association, “ music is curative and restorative for a wide variety of conditions, even as aid to help with physical rehabilitation and assisting those with disabilities”. Music therapy can help induce emotional pain, lower anxiety, lift spirits and help individuals sleep better. According to the American Cancer Society, music can help relieve aches, symptoms, while augmenting a patient’s joy and overall well being. With music widely recognized today as a medical tool, colleges throughout North America are now offering bachelor degrees in the field, as many people are interested in pursuing careers in music thanatology. While there is a significant portion of people who do not go as far studying music as a career in terms of pratical terms, there are definitely techniques that you don’t need a degree for. Enjoying music, discussing lyrics, writing music, playing and cherishing all contribute to therapeutic benefits and overall well being.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Monday, 3 October 2011
U.S Supreme Court rules down on music downloading case.
The Future of Profitability
Sunday, 2 October 2011
Music Throughout our Lives:
For as long as humans have been on planet earth, music as always been a part of our lives whether we may realize it or not. Music is embedded in our culture, education, lifestyle, collective memory and just in our everyday lives. This is something that will most likely stay with us throughout our lives. Since we have been young there are some songs that have stayed with us such as singing happy birthday, holiday songs or even standing up and listening to Oh Canada every morning. We learn many different songs throughout elementary school, for education purposes or for our enjoyment. As we get older and move throughout our lives, music can also play more a sentimental role, if individuals decide to get married, a special wedding song will be picked, or songs can be used to honour people presently with us or not. A piece of music heard once might be forever joined to a personal sense of a place or powerful sense of memories. Whether we realize it or not music will always be apart of our lives directly or indirectly.